Tuesday, December 8, 2009


It's been a while once again, but in the midst of applying to Jobs you think you might do well in outside of what you REALLY want to do, you lose track of keeping up on other important things, not this blog, but bills and relationships and things of that nature...so you understand I rarely get time for this but I'll make time for it.

In my Absence I saw some great illustration in a video about "The greatest physical achievement ever accomplished by a man on a psychedelic journey." The guys at FecalFaceDG always have an eye out for the obscure.

In the realm of the Advertising world and in light of my first negative dealing with a client I chased after in pursuit of his business, I felt the feelings behind this string of emails...

Full story here

In respect to Russell Davies and the slight absence of his practices in my day to day work, I laughed to myself while watching a new DayQuil commercial and thinking of one his old account planner challenges. Watch or observe an Ad and work back to a creative brief.

It's not the most ingenious campaign, but anything that promotes calling in sick to enjoy a day off is good by me.

Until next time.


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